Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Monkeying around....

Today Shaun and I decided to go to my grandparents and BBQ because I have really been in the mood for some yummy barbecued chicken. My grandparents are out of town and they have an amazing BBQ so we went over there and hung out for awhile and barbecued then enjoyed the yummy food, after that we decided to play on their swing set for a little while. I know we are both in our 20's and probably a little old to be trying to do flips off the swing set...like I tried, but we still had a ton of fun!! We definitely wanted to take advantage of the nice weather and the daylight that lasted till almost 9pm. It was nice to spend time with Shaun before he has to go out of town tomorrow to work.

Shaun's Sexy face...this is what I got when I told him to smile
This is my Shaun
Me on the swing that you can't see
Shaun desperately trying to make it across the monkey bars...lol
getting ready to swwwwiiinnnngggggg!!!!!!!!!!! WEEE
Love this face! You have no idea how long it took me to get a normal smile out of this boy!